
Data & IA: more dialogue to drive innovation at Société Générale

In early 2020, Société Générale launched a Data & AI initiative across the subsidiaries in Africa, the Mediterranean Basin and Overseas. The aim? Raise collaborator awareness on these topics and create new tools for different business units. As part of this approach, bluenove helped Société Générale consult thousands of collaborators to find out how much…

The Training Encounters: co-construction the first 100% connected edition of the IFCAM (Group Crédit Agricole’s University)

The Credit Agricole Group’s University (IFCAM) hosts the stakeholders for the group Crédit Agricole’s’ training through Encounters twice a year. This year, they were held the first Encounters organized and held 100% remotely! An excellent opportunity for the teams and responsible for training to assist to interactive plenary sessions and brainstorming workshops to (re)think the future of training.

Why and how we redesigned the Assembl landing page

Using primarily a digitally-facilitated approach to collective intelligence, Assembl and its many modules and use-cases are the center of our product development. Through user interviews and design audits, we understood that we need to redesign the Assembl Landing, Ressources, and Summary pages.

A Stack to Build Collective Intelligence Technology

What is collective intelligence? Frank Escoubes, co-founder of the technology and consulting company Bluenove, describes it thus: “Collective intelligence starts in conversation and ends in engagement. From ideas to action. It is an art, a sport, a science, a culture, with a bit of magic. Call it enlightenment.” Put in the simplest terms possible, it’s the idea that we are more intelligent together than as individuals.